1, 2022年より、㈱NOBORDERと㈲にいがた経済新聞社は係争中である。同社共同代表の石塚健氏と今井一志氏は、NOBORDER社に対して合計一億円以上もの支払いを踏み倒しており、NOBORDER社より請求されている。
2, 新潮社の佐藤大介氏は、NOBORDER社とにいがた経済新聞社(にいけい)が民事訴訟中であるにも関わらず、にいけいに裁判を有利に運ばせるがためなのか、石塚氏と今井氏の一方的な情報に頼って記事を作成した。
3, 民事係争中事案であるので、新潮社の佐藤氏に対しては、喜田村洋一弁護士を通じて、その理由とともにできる範囲で説明したが、説明はほとんど無視されている。
4, 連絡もなく、上杉への確認の取材をすることもなく記事は掲載された。また、Yahoo!ニュースも一切の取材もなく、同捏造記事を掲載している。極めて悪質であり、Yahoo!ニュースへの提訴も検討している。
株式会社NOBORDER社主 上杉隆
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This is a concerning situation, and it’s important that media outlets uphold journalistic integrity by verifying information before publication. If the allegations against Shinchosha and Yahoo!News are true, it highlights the dangers of misinformation and biased reporting. Legal action seems to be a necessary step to protect reputations and ensure accountability. I hope the truth prevails and that justice is served for all parties involved. If you're as intrigued as I am
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I appreciate you sharing this detailed account of the situation. It's shocking to hear about the alleged fabrication of articles by Shinchosa and the involvement of Yahoo! News in publishing such content without proper investigation. The complexity of the dispute with Niigata Keizai Shinbun and the actions taken by NOBORDER sound both unfair and troubling, especially given the lack of payment for the work done. I support your decision to pursue legal action against those responsible. It's important for media outlets and individuals to be held accountable for misinformation, and I hope the truth comes to light through your efforts. Best of luck with the ongoing legal proceedings. If you're as intrigued as I am about solutions blog, I highly recommend…
I’m deeply concerned about the situation outlined in this post. It’s alarming to hear about the alleged fabrication of articles by Mr. Sato Daisuke from Shinchosa and the lack of proper investigation before publishing. The details provided regarding the ongoing disputes and the efforts of NOBORDER are quite troubling, and it’s clear that this issue has been handled in a very unprofessional manner. I fully support the actions being taken to pursue legal action against both Shinchosa and Yahoo! News. It’s crucial that responsible journalism prevails, and those spreading false information should be held accountable. Wishing NOBORDER and Mr. Uesugi the best of luck as they seek justice. If you're as intrigued as I am about solutions blog, I highly recommend…
It’s really concerning to hear about the allegations of fabricated reporting and the legal battle involving NOBORDER and Shinchosa, as well as Yahoo! News. It sounds like the situation is not only complicated but also very serious, especially considering the lack of proper investigation or communication before the article was published. It’s crucial that accurate and fair reporting is prioritized, especially when businesses and reputations are at stake. I hope the legal actions will bring clarity and fairness to the situation.
If you're as intrigued as I am about solutions blog, I highly recommend checking out my latest blog post In today’s digital age, online security has become a top priority for individuals and businesses alike. Avast Antivirus is one of…